Trump is Being Used and He is Too Vain To See It

Stuck in a loop while those around him plot destruction

4 min readJul 21, 2024


Photo by rob walsh on Unsplash

The GOP convention made one thing very obvious: Trump is nothing more than a stooge for the far right Project 25 planners, a performer whose lies and verbal antics keep the MAGA nuts entertained while the Heritage people and others plan what is essentially a coup.

They tried in 2020, failed and got caught. But they have had four years to plan and now they feel no need to even hide their takeover of the government. They have already corrupted the Supreme Court majority, bribing judges Thomas and Alito, who were already involved in insurrection efforts. The results are terrifying and they are just getting started.

Normally this would all sound like another conspiracy theory except we are seeing the reality of it. The court declared Trump, if elected, would be above the law for ‘official’ acts, which they failed to define. Who performs official acts? The President of course. But who plans them in detail? His advisors, especially in Trump’s case, where we know he is incapable of handling anything complex.

And now if they get into office they will have carte blanche to do anything they want, have Trump rubber stamp it, and they will be free of any oversight, forever.




Mastodon:, Writer, nine non-fiction books, two novels, Buddhist, train lover. Amateur cook, lover of life most of the time!