The Tipping Point: Climate Change Just Hit the Gas

It’s not your imagination. Things just got a lot worse.

5 min readJan 11, 2023


Photo by Lukas Hron on Unsplash

Mark your calendars. It’s January 2023 and things just got a lot worse outside. Before I go into the obvious doom and gloom stuff, here’s my take: start thinking about where you are going to live if you live in a dry drought area like the southwest US, or anywhere near the ocean or large rivers, or anywhere that gets a lot of snow now. Stay out of forests. I’d probably avoid the prairie states because of that dust bowl history during the Great Depression.

Fun fact: estimates released today put the total cost of climate disasters in the US alone at $165 billion. That’s money that will not improve the future, fund innovation, build new transportation systems, or anything else positive. Much of it will go towards rebuilding communities, communities that should not be rebuilt.

Unless we want to do it again and again, which seems to be the plan.

Here’s a suggestion:

Have your own plan for what you would do if you had to leave your home, now. Not an hour from now, now. What would you grab that would help you in the immediate future? If you live in a winter area, assume your car will get stuck and it will be cold. Keep a sleeping bag, water and protein bars, and one of…




Mastodon:, Writer, nine non-fiction books, two novels, Buddhist, train lover. Amateur cook, lover of life most of the time!