There Are Two Crazed Men Running for President

And Biden is not one of them

5 min readApr 6, 2024


Photo by Mohammad Shahhosseini on Unsplash

Let me get RFK Jr out of the way (please). This man is mentally ill and the evidence is his obsession with vaccines. I come from a generation where virtually every kid got vaccinated, in school, for things like measles and chicken pox. And a generation where what we know as the autism spectrum was unknown.

Of course by today’s standards there were almost certainly many kids on the spectrum back then. Or maybe not. It certainly was not as widespread as it is today. Or maybe it was. The point is that tying something like autism to vaccines in general is not backed up by any science, you know, the real kind.

Despite this fact, anti-vaxxers like RFK Jr insist on spreading this deadly myth and citing studies that have been debunked or withdrawn because other scientists could not replicate their results or found flaws in their methodology.

I call it a deadly myth because vaccines save lives, thousands if not millions of lives. Yet we have a kook running for President with this obsession as the centerpiece of his campaign, and the scary part is he gets a significant percentage of votes in polls. Enough to disrupt the final results and possibly tip our country into the disaster that is Donald Trump, our other crazy candidate.




Mastodon:, Writer, nine non-fiction books, two novels, Buddhist, train lover. Amateur cook, lover of life most of the time!