The Whiner vs. The Bore

How Important is Personality in Politics?

4 min readMar 28, 2023


The Juggernaut. Photo by Zulu Fernando on Unsplash

This is already getting tiresome and we’re still a year away from primary season. The prospect of another year of Trump whining and insulting everyone is upon us, with his rhetoric already turned up to eleven. And his only viable opponent, Ron DeSantis, turns out to have the personality of a lump of coal.

But is that important? You better believe it. You may dislike Trump more than I do, though I doubt it, but this past weekend he owned the media with his bombast and bluster while DeSantis managed to flip flop on a major foreign policy issue, the war in Ukraine.

It was a lame attempt to get back in the good graces of party members lashing out at his previous statement that a terrible war was a ‘territorial dispute’ that was none of our business. Trump doesn’t care what those sensible party members think- they are not his target audience.

Trump’s personality is so pumped up he constantly looks and sounds like an animated character out of a wacky cartoon, and his hardcore MAGA people love it as much as the rest of us find it disgusting and repetitive. But he is crushing DeSantis with that overblown personality. So far it is working.

No other prospective GOP candidate has come forward that has the charisma to take Trump on. And Trump…




Mastodon:, Writer, nine non-fiction books, two novels, Buddhist, train lover. Amateur cook, lover of life most of the time!