The Far Right is Selling Off Our Future For Pennies on the Dollar
One billion dollars for unlimited profits and environmental disaster?
A billion dollars sounds like a lot to most of us. That’s a thousand million bucks if you haven’t run the numbers lately. But in the grand scheme of really big money, that’s a round up error. We have multiple $100x billionaires and their names have celebrity status. Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffet, etc.
But for the biggest private enterprise on the planet a billion is chump change. I’m talking about the fossil fuel biz, aka big oil. And last week, in the midst of a sordid criminal trial and constant stories of weather disasters all over the country, a Presidential candidate went off the reservation and blatantly did something never seen before.
He offered up our future for sale and the price tag was a bargain: one billion dollars in exchange for his promise to eliminate all environmental restrictions on the oil and gas business when he is elected.
If anything this shows us both how desperate Donald Trump is and what a small thinker he is, no big surprise. Big oil would happily pay ten times that for his promise and never even notice the cost. Aside from the fact that this offer, made to two dozen oil executives, is probably illegal, it…