The Eleven Percent Solution? Kamala Harris’s Growing Support With Women

It isn’t just the abortion issue

4 min read6 days ago


Photo by Monica Melton on Unsplash

Take any number these days with a grain of salt, but recent polling has Harris leading among women by 11% over Donald Trump. A lot of that support is based on the issue of women’s reproductive rights, which has Republicans tied up in knots. But there is more to it.

The fight over those rights was something the GOP has used as an issue for years to pull in those voters who vote entirely in opposition to abortion. But the numbers have always, in recent times, shown that limited abortion rights are extremely popular with voters across the spectrum. So when Trump’s Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade, savvy Republicans knew they had trouble ahead.

They had to find a way to be both for and against the issue, an impossible task, and so far they have bungled it spectacularly, turning it into a white men against women issue which went beyond reproductive rights and straight into pure misogyny. That now includes open threats against women without children, women with cats, and now women in general.

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Mastodon:, Writer, nine non-fiction books, two novels, Buddhist, train lover. Amateur cook, lover of life most of the time!