Some Startling Numbers From Ukraine Intelligence

If they are even close to real, it’s bad news for Putin

3 min readMar 12, 2023
Photo by Chester Ho on Unsplash

Newsweek has a comprehensive article this week about the estimated Russian and Ukrainian losses in the unresolved battle for Bakhmut. It’s worth a read. But it has a graphic that stopped me in my tracks.

The graphic shows Ukrainian estimates of total Russian losses since the inception of the war. Even taken with a serious grain of salt, they are unreal. Only history will tell how accurate these are as both sides wage an information and disinformation war in parallel with the war on the ground.

Here’s a sampling of the alleged losses:

  • Killed and wounded Russian personnel: 156,990
  • Tanks destroyed: 3448
  • Armored combat vehicles: 6742
  • Artillery pieces: 2475
  • Multiple launch rocket systems: 491
  • Air defense systems: 256
  • Military jets: 304
  • Helicopters: 289

These kinds of losses are the price Putin and his generals are paying for a war that never made any sense in the first place. Again, these are Ukrainian numbers, but if they are even close it’s very bad news for the Russians.




Mastodon:, Writer, nine non-fiction books, two novels, Buddhist, train lover. Amateur cook, lover of life most of the time!