No No No No No No No

The Republican congressional agenda



Photo by Gemma Evans on Unsplash

In my lifetime the GOP has always supported Defense spending, often pushing through bloated budgets to show their tough guy bona fides. These pork-laden monstrosities brought back the bacon to Republican states where defense contractors were wise to locate themselves.

Now they say no to defense spending.

How about extending the debt ceiling? Authorizing funds to pay off debts already incurred by the government, debt that they voted for during the Trump administration.


Or passing a budget so we don’t go into default as a nation, a decision that could make or break the economy of the entire world during a pandemic? Which would shut the government down during the Christmas holidays, throwing hundreds of thousands of government employees, military members, and contractors out of work with no paychecks to cash?

You guessed it. No.

Voting Rights Bill? No way.

Build Back Better? You know the drill.

When a Republican says yes, they get death threats, ugly insults from their own party members, and get sidelined from any influence, rendering even duly elected Republicans powerless.




Mastodon:, Writer, nine non-fiction books, two novels, Buddhist, train lover. Amateur cook, lover of life most of the time!