Netanyahu is Lying and Everyone Knows It

They ‘misidentified’ the World Food Kitchen car. Right.

4 min readApr 3, 2024
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

The aid workers’ car was covered with large logos identifying what it was, so many that pieces of the wreckage strewn about all had the logo on them in huge letters. And the World Food people had notified the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) that they would be traveling that route.

The same day witnesses claimed IDF snipers were targeting children.

Just for the record, snipers use powerful scopes that clearly show their targets. What we are seeing here is a ‘kill them all and let God sort them out’ strategy. Indiscriminate killing and a willingness to kill and starve hundreds of innocents to get a few terrorists. These are war crimes.

And the crimes are traceable directly to Bibi Netanyahu and his warmonger cabinet. It was possible after the atrocities of October Seventh to justify a harsh response. We are far past that point. Thousands of children are dead and thousands more are starving and homeless. And Bibi wants to escalate, go into Rafah, the last corner they have forced the Gazan public into and continue the slaughter.

A side story here. The US (disclosure, I am American) is planning to sell billions of dollars worth of F15 fighter jets to Israel, jets that will be used to…




Mastodon:, Writer, nine non-fiction books, two novels, Buddhist, train lover. Amateur cook, lover of life most of the time!