My Five Best Articles of 2019 (Plus an Outlier)

5 min readDec 17, 2019
Photo by venwardo on Unsplash

A look back at my output in the past year

In Match of 2019 I started writing here on a more serious level. I had written a couple of pieces in years past but had basically forgotten them. However, in March I revisited Medium, learned about the Partner Program and started looking at what other writers were doing here. I discovered a community bound together by writing, though the individual perspectives varied wildly. When I first started doing essentially random pieces, I had no plan, nor did I have any expectations.

I knew from reading the various teaser articles about financial success that a minority of writers were making money but that there were a zillion others who hoped to emulate them. I know from my long experience as a professional writer that making even a semblance of a living from writing is a huge challenge. Riches very seldom rain down unexpectedly. Yet many seemed to think there was a code to be cracked.

My approach, and reasons for participating here are different. I would write about things that interested me, largely initiating personal change and creativity. Medium gave me an outlet for these topics without a lot of editorial guidance. I could do what I wanted. And I could see, via stats, what resonated and what did not.




Mastodon:, Writer, nine non-fiction books, two novels, Buddhist, train lover. Amateur cook, lover of life most of the time!