Multiverses in non-science fiction novels

6 min readFeb 19, 2019
Photo by Filip Kominik on Unsplash

Three examples and a few notes from my own experience

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Parallel or overlapping universes are a popular subject in classic science fiction but they are also appearing in so-called ‘serious fiction’. In my first novel, The Rememberers, I didn’t set out to create alternative or magic reality but…my protagonist found himself with a capability to move into other versions of his world, a capability that turned out to be a little riskier than he anticipated…and a lot more enlightening.

Pantsers and Plotters

In fiction writing I am a pantser, which means I develop the story by the seat of my pants, rather than being a plotter, who thoroughly outlines before writing. So this alternative universe thing was a surprise and where it led turned out to be an even bigger surprise. But this article is not about my novel. It is about a pattern I’m either seeing or noticing more because of my own writing experience. But first a note about the pantser thing.

When I started writing this book I only had a vague idea about where it was going. After writing numerous very down-to-earth non-fiction books for money, I was trained to outline. Not just to outline but to have a line in the outline for each page in the finished book. This…




Mastodon:, Writer, nine non-fiction books, two novels, Buddhist, train lover. Amateur cook, lover of life most of the time!