Jim Jordan Is Dumb As A Stick

So, of course, he is a Republican front runner for Speaker

3 min readOct 6, 2023


No, not this stick, relax fella. Photo by Florian Roost on Unsplash

Someone asked me this morning if I thought these disruptors in the House were actually Putin’s stooges or just actual crazed anarchists out to demolish everything, just for fun.

I hadn’t considered the Putin thing but now that former wrestling coach Jim Jordan is actually a legitimate candidate for Speaker of the House of Representatives, I’m not so certain it’s not a possibility.

This would have seemed insane but this morning we learned that Trump apparently shared nuclear submarine secrets, including numbers of missiles and where they were, with a wealthy Australian member of his Mar A Lago country club.

Who proceeded to share that information with 45 of his business associates. 45 people. He is reportedly cooperating with investigators from the Department of Justice.

The locations of subs are one of our closest military secrets because it is virtually impossible for enemies to track them. These are serious allegations, if true.

It appears that within the MAGA wing of the Republican Party, where Representative Jordan hangs his flag, it is perfectly acceptable to sell secret information to anyone willing to, for example, join an extremely expensive country club owned…




Mastodon: @martinedic@md.dm, Writer, nine non-fiction books, two novels, Buddhist, train lover. Amateur cook, lover of life most of the time!