It’s Time to Carefully Document Trump’s Decline

There is a story the right doesn’t want us to see

4 min readNov 7, 2023

Photo by NIR HIMI on Unsplash

In fact, they are capitalizing on it. The crazier Trump acts, the more popular he becomes, at least that is the assumption. This may be a big mistake by the Republican Party going into 2024, and an opportunity for the Democrats.

Of course the Democrats have shown no ability to take advantage of stories like this, unlike their counterparts at Fox and elsewhere who have successfully portrayed Biden as senile and declining.

Trump’s decline makes Joe Biden look sharp as a tack. But that story is not getting told. And Trump’s crazy is all on the record, like yesterday’s performance in court testimony in NY.

Any other American behaving like that under oath would be found in contempt and viewed as the rude, spoiled child we saw, a grown man whining about fairness and the judge being mean to him.

When is the last time you heard an adult complaining about someone being mean to them?

It would be laughable, but this guy gets a free pass and he knows it. Over the years he has carefully created the idea that he is above the law and that normal behavior is for chumps, for suckers who play by the rules. And it has been incredibly effective for him.


Written by MartinEdic

Mastodon:, Writer, nine non-fiction books, two novels, Buddhist, train lover. Amateur cook, lover of life most of the time!

Responses (21)

What are your thoughts?

You're making the mistake of thinking his supporters care about his sanity, behaviour or policies.
They don't want sensible. They don't want rational. They don't want decency. They don't want competence.
They just want to "own the libs".


Democrats are so busy being grownups that they don’t take the opportunities being handed to them on a silver platter


In other words he's exactly what Fascist, Hillbilly America wants.
