I Knew There Was Something Screwy About RFK Jr, But a Worm in His Brain?

The 2024 Presidential race just got more bonkers

4 min readMay 9, 2024


Photo by Raspopova Marina on Unsplash

“Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Says His Brain Was Partially Eaten by a Worm That Crawled Inside and Died: Everything You Need to Know”

~ Headline, Vanity Fair, May 8, 2024

Federal judges who think they are gods. A Porn Star testifies in the federal criminal trial of a former President, who sits in court fuming and swearing under his breath. A would be VP candidate who brags about shooting her dog and, just for good measure, a goat she didn’t like.

She had to go back to her truck and reload her shotgun to get the job done. She published it in an upcoming book to show her tough guy cred. Oh, and btw, she claimed to have met with Kim Jong Il, the murderous dictator of North Korea who is widely thought to have ordered a hit on his own brother.

That meeting did not happen. Believe me, it would be on the record.

Now, third party spoiler RFK Jr, following on being basically disowned by his entire family, turns out to have a dead worm in his brain. Ick ick ick, double ick. Maybe that’s why he talks as though he swallowed drain cleaner…




Mastodon: @martinedic@md.dm, Writer, nine non-fiction books, two novels, Buddhist, train lover. Amateur cook, lover of life most of the time!