How Many Can the Republicans Alienate and Still Be Viable?

They are methodically going after everyone



Photo by Patrick Tomasso on Unsplash

Women, 55% of the population. LGBTQ, at least 10% (sounds low to me). Black, 13.4%, Latino, 18%.

The Northeast and California. They’ve written off New York City. They are ignoring young people.

This week the Texas Republican Party convention basically announced hatred for virtually everyone not in an incredibly narrow Trump-defined demographic. It was so extreme that most media pundits defined it as a start to seceding from the United States, which many people I know think would be fine. Except those who actually live in Texas and can only wonder at the insanity of it all.

The logical question here, and I know logic is anathema to any of this, is how do you win national elections after you have alienated practically everyone? And do Americans really want an unrelenting atmosphere of hate and distrust, a place where any dissenting opinion brings death threats to your children?

To me it looks like the GOP has officially branded themselves as idiots across the board. I don’t see how this plays out. Meanwhile, their own people, many in leadership roles under Trump’s administration, are lining up to testify against him and his schemes to undermine democracy.




Mastodon:, Writer, nine non-fiction books, two novels, Buddhist, train lover. Amateur cook, lover of life most of the time!