Harris Won’t Get Down Into the Mud With Trump and Vance

She knows that is what he wants, but it ain’t happening

4 min readAug 30, 2024


Photo by Vidar Nordli-Mathisen on Unsplash

My theme the past few days seems to be just how despicable the Trump campaign has been since they discovered they didn’t have Joe Biden to beat up on. Faced with running against a multi-racial woman, the best they have come up with is mudslinging on a level we have not seen before.

There is no ‘how low will they go?’. There is no bottom.

But it is all falling flat because the ultimate goal of this kind of mudslinging is trying to get your opponents to hit back and get down in the muck with you. And the Harris/Walz campaign is not taking the bait. They are not even acknowledging its existence.

In the CNN interview last night Harris was asked about one example of Trump’s invective and her answer? Pass, next question.

The irony in this approach is that it has the effect of further infuriating everyone on the Right until they can no longer even muster further effective insults. That’s because they have already said the worst things that can be said about the Democrats and they have had no effect. But they keep trying.

I would honestly like to be writing about policy differences between the candidates, but I have no idea what the actual…




Mastodon: @martinedic@md.dm, Writer, nine non-fiction books, two novels, Buddhist, train lover. Amateur cook, lover of life most of the time!