China: Chairman of Everything, Friend of No One

Is Xi Jinping still a human?

3 min readOct 22, 2022
Photo by Freeman Zhou on Unsplash

There is so much going on domestically here in the States and globally with Covid, Ukraine, and the climate crisis that it would be easy to lose sight of what is going on in China, the second largest economy on the planet.

But they are poised this week to give Xi Jinping an unprecedented third term as leader, or as many China watchers predict, leader for life. He is also referred to as ‘Chairman of Everything’ as he takes on leadership of every aspect of Chinese life.

By all reports, his leadership recently has been a disaster, with China’s economy in tatters, sanctioned by the West, and unemployment skyrocketing. Their economy went through the roof in the early two thousands as they built state of the art manufacturing and became the supplier of advanced technology to the world.

But much of that technological intellectual property was blatantly stolen from the West, or in the case of software and social media, copied. Nevertheless, their economy soared and they built cities of the future at an unbelievable pace.

But that pace may be their downfall as real estate speculation became a third of their economy and the bubble burst, leaving many Chinese losing everything. Then Covid came and Leader Xi declined the use…




Mastodon:, Writer, nine non-fiction books, two novels, Buddhist, train lover. Amateur cook, lover of life most of the time!