Business Does Not Care About Climate Change

Live for today, or at least the next quarter

4 min readJul 12, 2022
Photo by chris robert on Unsplash

As a writer, I want to have a compelling headline, and the one above doesn’t fit that standard. But, right now, it’s the best I’ve got because it is exactly about reality, not always pretty.

In our reality, business, i.e. capitalism, is the actual driver of everything we do. And no one in business gives a shit about the future. Yes, I know, Patagonia. They are a wonderful and very profitable company, but…who else? I was involved in one of the first B corporations established in New York State. B stands for benefits and the designation was there to highlight giving back to society.

Or at least not making things worse.

We had great aspirations but it didn’t work. My partners went on to make millions and I went back to writing (no millions, yet).

I noticed a pattern. A lot of talk about things like being emission-free by 20xx. Even as a climate observer, I never put that date on my calendar to check on them. And neither has anyone else.

It’s bullshit. Make a pledge, and then go back to business as usual.

To be honest, there is some reality in this. We are gradually improving things in the way that capitalist economies do, by finding a way to make…




Mastodon:, Writer, nine non-fiction books, two novels, Buddhist, train lover. Amateur cook, lover of life most of the time!