Bill Maher Thinks Trump’s Teflon Coating Has Worn Off, and I Agree

There’s nothing slick left

5 min read4 days ago


Photo by Cooker King on Unsplash

Donald Trump has successfully dodged bullets all his life. His almost mystical ability to avoid blame for anything he does is at the core of his popularity. But what happens when it wears off, and is this that time?

I think it is. In the past four years he has doubled down on his arrogance and disregard for the rule of law at a scale that was so extreme that it nearly brought down the government. But it did not and that may have been the moment when he went too far.

For one thing, all of us watched, most in horror, as a crazed mob broke into the Capitol, violently attacking law enforcement and running around threatening death to elected officials.

It wasn’t a clip on the six o’clock news, it went on for hours, live in real time. Not unlike 9/11.

This was not a cheap grift like selling bibles or running failed casinos into the ground. We can laugh at those things but this was different on a monumental scale, breaking the highest laws in the land in front of millions.

Why am I going over this ancient history? Because it marks the point where Trump stops pretending he is a statesman or cares anything about the country. His narcissism has won out and now entirely…




Mastodon:, Writer, nine non-fiction books, two novels, Buddhist, train lover. Amateur cook, lover of life most of the time!