All We Can Do is Sit Back and Watch
Things are far beyond any resolution
Give up. That’s what I’m telling myself and I’m not the only one. I’ve been watching Armageddon unfold in Congress for months and now it is here in all its ugly reality.
I don’t really want to watch elected officials, once referred to as servants of the people, tear each other to shreds while wrecking the foundational principles of democracy.
I’ve written enough about it, thousands of words, and many have read them. But, although there is genuine outrage and frustration out here, it doesn’t seem to matter anymore.
There are no mandates, no loyalty to constituents, no independent thinking, and certainly no governing.
Frankly, if you voted for any of these loons, the Matt Gaetzes, the MTGs, the Comers, you should be ashamed of yourselves. What did you think would happen? Did you think they would actually represent you and your needs as a citizen?
Don’t make me laugh, because all of them were very clear about their intent. It was, and is, anarchy. Mayhem, chaos, disruption.
You got what you voted for. Maybe you thought they at least would be different from the last one. You got that one right.
So, now what? Every morning when I scan the news I ask myself, how does this resolve itself? How do we get back to a functioning government?